Special Offers & Discounts

Welcome to our Special Offers and Discounts page. Here we list the current promotional offers and their ends dates. Some will be automatically applied by our AI Powered Deal Bot.

Automatic Deal Bot Discounts

  • Purchase 2 or more items, Mix and Match store wide* and get Multibuy discount of  5%, second 5% discount at 10 items or more.
  • If you sign up to our newsletter, you qualify for a one-off 10% discount on any order. You will also receive notice of any other discounts.
  • If you use the 10% discount code from signing up to the newsletter, Deal Bot will send you the next discount code and as long as you use it in the time frame, you can get the next one and so on. Each 'next one' has a higher discount value than the last. There are currently 3 in the series.
  • Free Shipping is available if you spend the qualifying amount shown in the banner at the top of each page, this varies from country to country.
  • Buy any 3 bottles of 10ml Essential Oils and get a FREE bottle of Tea Tree Essential Oil.
  • Buy 6 Smelling Salts and get the 7th FREE. Get the complete set.

Other Discounts

Voucher Codes

These are our current voucher codes for special offers. This does not include instant & personal, single use, voucher codes that you get when signing up to our newsletter or the loyalty scheme, which are accessible through the newsletter programme.

    Other sites who are authorised to have our codes

    You can visit the following sites to get voucher codes (if they have an at the moment). If you get one from anywhere else, then it probably isn't real.

    • www.cc-computers.com - From any page, select the menu at the top "Shops" --> "Special Offer Code" (NB it comes in a popup that only works on desktops)
    • members.cc-computers.com - They sometimes have one in their news and announcements section.
    • itforum.website - They frequently have a voucher code for us in their Announcements section and in some of the posts on the site.
    • yournews.website - You can find a bunch of special offers here as well as a few for us.
    • freeindex.co.uk - There is often a voucher code on the profile page to use on this site.
    • Google Business Profile - There is sometimes a voucher on here.
    • Google Shopping (occasionally)

    Other sites that we have codes for you to use on their sites

    •  None at the moment, come back soon.

    Note: If you get a code that is not from one of the above, then don't be disappointed if it doesn't work. We run our own voucher code system and will happily give codes to reputable sites, if they ask. They will also be listed above. If they are not listed above, then they either made it up themselves or pinched it from another site. We recommend you do not use dishonest sites like that.

    If you own a website and feel that you need to have one of our codes for your site, then please email us at shop at cc-computers.com and tell us about yourself and why you think you should have a voucher code. We will be in touch when we complete vetting of your site, so please be sure to include all relevant information.

    *Excludes Gift Cards and Subscribe and Save Items. Subscribe and Save items have their own discount levels.